new tv technology

New tv technology patented by Apple promises 3d television with a holographic display.

Recently, the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent filed by Apple last year, entitled “Three-Dimensional Display System”.

Inventor, Christoph H Krah, who also invented Apple’s multi-touch applications, describes this new t.v. technology as an advanced three-dimensional display system that allows users to touch and manipulate floating holographic images.

This “Star Wars” inspired technology describes a 3D television that would project holographic images in space allowing users to grasp, rotate, and push them around like objects.

This holographic technology would also be available on future generation iPads and other Apple devices.

This new tv technology delivers a holographic display without the need for eye-wear or headgear.

A feedback mechanism also recognizes and identifies the proximity, location and movements of potential viewers in real time, and adjusts the holographic images for their viewing perspective.

This means that someone passing by, or anyone in a large audience, could see the holographic images as if they were real physical objects floating in space.

See – Apple’s 3D Television Patent.

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